
Puzzle Storm's 'wrong move' sound is irritating

I want to point out the irritating sound whenever a wrong move is played in Puzzle Storm. The sound that comes is extremely unpleasant. Many others also feel the same way. It kinda gives me a panic attack. Of course, I can mute the site. But I request to either have an option to change to different sounds or at least change to any less obnoxious sound. This is my suggestion. Thank You.
You've done a puzzle wrong, so u must face the consequences to it. Good luck!
yeah, i agree with #2. the easy fix here is to not play any wrong moves.
It may be a personal problem that that sound sends my heart racing negatively. So I have to put the volume to 0. But since I get very focused on the Board it gets hard to realize if I did the puzzle wrong. That's why I suggested changing the sound to a less obnoxious one.

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