
Puzzle rating bug on mobile

Repost of my other thread that is 2 months old, as the problem is still happening :

As you can see, winning puzzles made me lose points. The puzzles were solved on the mobile app, as the title suggests.
The same happened to me today. I solved multiple puzzles correctly on the mobile app, but neither in the app nor in the browser version I gained any points. The latest puzzles are just ignored and don't show up anywhere.
The higher your puzzle rating, the less you get for completing it correctly and the more you lose for failing the puzzle.
When @NoJoke hit 3000 puzzle rating, many puzzles only gave him +0 when he finished them.
@NoobBatter this is not the case here, I'm only 1800 so I shouldn't get 1 or 2 points per puzzle.
You should check my screenshots, as they show I've even lost (!) points for winning puzzles when doing them on mobile. And the problem has been here for a few months already.

Can a dev or a mod confirm this problem has been noted ?

For the lazy ones checking out this topic : >> 7 wins, 2 losses = 7 points won in total (this outlines the problem even more, how on earth do you win only 7 points with 7 wins and 2 losses when you're only 1500 ?) >> 8 wins, 2 losses = 6 points won in total = a successful puzzle made me lose one point.

If that's not a problem, then I don't know what it is.
It's such a bummer, to know that you can't even spend your free time on public transports by doing puzzles...
See if the problem persists when you clear your app's data and try again. The frequently reported bug where the rating/history on a device differs to that on desktop or other devices has not been addressed and is one of the main advantages for me of lichess 2.
@Doofenshmirtz I will try this, but please note that my first thread about this problem was created before Lichess 2 ;)

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