
pure pawn battles puzzles

Are there crafted puzzles that could concentrate on the exercise of only pawns and kings, and the task of passing a pawn.
maybe exercising the notion of majority and isolated pawns in its simplests forms. There could be human size diversity and repetition together there, to drive that notion.

Then a gradual program of complexification with such distracting things as minor pieces or stronger.

I ask that because I feel like in endgames, it is not the big endgames problems that make me uncomfortable, but having to tiny calculate how to advance a wall of pawns, or defend againt one, with something as a king lurking around (or not).

Getting the pawn only gymnastics down seem like I would not get paralyzed. I do, even material advantage feel like I lack imagination in my planning there, down to the tit-for-tat. it feels always very combinatorics, I would not mind having been drilled to get over that bump. pawn dynamic patterns maybe?

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