
Punishment for missing a swiss tourney

Because skipping a Swiss is an antisocial and disruptive act.
@mcgoves said in #2:
> Because skipping a Swiss is an antisocial and disruptive act.
That rule never existed before on Lichess.
How do you know? Do you habitually abuse Swisses?
You mean you entered a swiss but didn't play? That means that the player you were paired against won't have a game, and the rest of the pairings are messed up too. If you join a swiss, make sure you can play (or at least withdraw instead of just leaving).
<Comment deleted by user>
Creators of Swiss tournaments can select to only allow players who did not miss a game in a Swiss tournament. That setting exists for quite a while now but maybe so far you have mainly participated in tournaments that did not use it. If you miss a game in a swiss tournament you are banned for some amount of time from participating in swiss tournaments that use that setting. You can always contact the tournament organizer and try to convince them to undo the setting.

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