
please stop allowing people to react to their own comments

When your on desktop you can hover over the emoji and see who put them there which is quite nice coz if OP likes his initial post you can stop reading the thread

I fail to see the downside on the other hand. Just try not to get triggered by random stuff like that
"you have right to agree and disagree with others not with yourself"
Nobody expects the self-inquisition!

More seriously, why do people have a problem with the self-upvoting of others? If a person is the only ones who do upvote his posts, then it's visible to all who bother to check out who upvoted the post.
I don't see a problem with people reacting to their own posts, online internet points mean nothing. (upvotes, likes, etc..)
There is actually no point to any reaction. You don't get a prize if you have 1000 up votes and you won't be banned if you get 1000 down votes. It really doesn't matter. Plus, lichess probably has better things to do.
PS: I am going to up vote my own comment. Thanks for telling me that was actually possible XD XD XD.
While I agree this doesn’t matter very much, just to play Devil’s Advocate with the naysayers here I can think of two reasons it might matter 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 :

1. It’s indicative of poor design. (For that matter, so is allowing the same person to use multiple reactions on a single comment — in particular both 👍 & 👎, as these are contradictory sentiments. 🤨) Logically, people shouldn’t be able to do this; that they can simply shows the creators of this feature didn’t put sufficient thought into it. Are other projects worthier of their time? Undoubtedly so. But that only reinforces my point: Whether through laziness or business, they didn’t do a very good job of implementing this feature.

2. It introduces noise. Supposing¹ the purpose of reactions is to garner feedback about one’s words — vis-à-vis how others feel about what you said; whether they agree or disagree, or it makes them laugh, or think, or what have you — then when you react to your own comment, since your views about it can be assumed (naturally you approve of what you said, or you wouldn’t have said it; naturally, if it was intended as a joke, you at least find it funny; etc.), then by definition all you are doing is diluting the feedback you had hoped to receive when you posted. (Or if you don’t want a response, why did you post? Selah.) And potentially embarrassing yourself, when someone calls you out for thumbing yourself up, or laughing at your own joke, etc. 🤭 (¹ If you don’t suppose the above, then what do you suppose? Please explain.)

You can also dilute others’ feedback, as it were sabotaging it / burying it. For example: Once, after I hearted someone’s comment, someone else hearted his own comment on the same page. I felt that this detracted from the meaning of my heart. It implied that the same person had hearted both comments, when this was not the case. (In fact the two were in disagreement; what sort of psycho would heart them both?) So his heart felt like a cheapening of mine, and I resented it. Of course if 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 had actually hearted his comment, I wouldn’t have had any right to feel this way; but that the guy did it to himself was slimy of him. And I would argue that sort of self love shouldn’t be possible via the reactions in this forum; nothing good could ever come of it, and a wrong impression may easily result. It’s “icon masturbation,” if you will. And who is actually in favor of that? (Especially in this day & age, what with the advent of HD videos? 😇)

Whatever else might be said about this, it seems to me these are two very good reasons to question the feature as is: Again, (1) it has been poorly designed, and (2) its relevance is diluted thereby. Ask yourself: (1) Is this feature really ideal as is, and (2) is self reacting 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 a desirable behavior, in any conceivable scenario? . . . I humbly submit to you that this is debatable. And that it’s debatable at all is sufficient grounds for a complaint such as this one. 🤷 At the very least, if you agree that no one likes it when people self react — then turn around and say that, despite this admitted fact, you don’t want to “censor” their ability to do so — that’s an inconsistent stance on your part. You contradict yourself. 🧐

Thank you, OP. I agree with you that this feature isn’t as well implemented as it could be, and you’ve identified one of a few reasons for that. To the rest of you, I hear you . . . but you have to admit the OP has a valid point, for what it’s worth. (It may not be worth much, but it 𝘪𝘴 relevant feedback. Please don’t just dismiss it out of hand, or give him a hard time for bringing it up. I think it’s clear his intentions were honorable; and he’s not the first person to mention this, either. So maybe start listening to users’ feedback for a change. 😉)

Finally, I take the greatest exception to № 10. (1) This isn’t YouTube, so what they do there is irrelevant; and (2) why should we take after them, anyway? Do they have a 🤔 reaction? (I wish they did.) Clearly, we have already departed from their way of doing things. Your contention that “YouTube needs to change first” is simply untrue. What they do doesn’t concern us. If anything, being the open-source community we are, we ought to lead the way here, rather than following the example of some bloated corporation like Google. N’est-ce pas? (FWIW, I think HydrogenAudio and TalkBass are both better examples of properly functioning internet forums. YouTube comments? Please.)

Just saying. 🤷 I hope no one takes offense; I was merely agreeing with the OP because I could. If you disagree for any reason, then I hope you will put as much effort into defending your position as I have just put into this half-arsed rant. (Otherwise shut up, and move along. This isn’t the feedback you’re looking for. 😛) Until then, good luck and good night.
I want to react to my comment, I react. You don’t want to react to your comment, don’t react 🤷🏼
We must destroy the right to free speech, I completely agree. Laughing at your own joke is a crime that deserves a fine of 100 million dollars. But Horsey is an exception, HORSEY ISH AUSOME IVERYBUDY THT WY I HORSEYED ME OUN COMET!!!
I've never reacted to my own posts prior to these threads but from now on I'm on it.
I think you should have to be higher rated than the poster to be able to react to the post at all. :)

That would also stop self liking and give lower rateds more time, and an incentive, to improve.

Alternatively, just remove all the reactions - why must everything be like facebook?
"Alternatively, just remove all the reactions - why must everything be like facebook?"

I do agree with this part.

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