
Player left the game

I clicked a diff tab to change a song (the lichess game tab was NOT closed) and my opponent was able to immediately click to claim victory. It was like move 3 of a 15/15 game lol. Help?
weird, usually a min needs to pass before this message appears
Honestly this seems so incredibly random and unpredictable. I've experienced what this thread is about, where it pops up almost immediately, I've also experienced the opposite, where it either never comes up or takes ages and ages.
With me this topic simply never comes up. But I know some people who can get the message I'm posting here on nevertheless. But still, it really should be a lot easier lichess. Sorry.
The system separates between ragequits and internet problems. Meaning if you lose connection to the server, while staying on the page, you will have 90s to reconnect (if I recall correctly). But if you close the tab you will only have 15s to reconnect before your opponent can claim a win
Are we sure the tab wasn't closed? And how long did it take before your opponent could claim a win?

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