
Play chess endgame play chess endings training with engine

Update study (new examples) : Chess endgame - Knight and Three Pawns vs. Knight and Three Pawns ; Knight and Four Pawns vs. Knight and Four Pawns

Update study (new examples) : Chess endgame - Bishop and Pawn vs. Knight and Pawn
Update study (new examples) : Chess endgame - Bishop and Two Pawns vs. Knight and Two Pawns .
hey Narkefok... Your studies do not state if the aim is a win or to get a draw.

3N4/3p1n1p/3P4/2PP4/1k6/4pK2/8/8 w - - 0 1

This was the very first one I tried. Can get a draw very easy but is the intention to win? I also tried with the engine and the engine only secured a draw as well.

Many thanks for the studies anyway and all the time you've invested in them.
Hey , white is win or white is draw. Created from the source: . There is a database of 25,699 located in a chess endings. Each chess endings are available FEN format. I created links for the opportunity to play with a computer, some specific positions of chess endings.

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