
New forum game embedding feature: Pros and Cons

I have seen in other threads some feedback about the new game embeds and I think it would be good for all concerned to have a non-dispersed place where to accumulate such feedback.

I have my own pros and cons about the new version, and the previous versions.
But i would rather have others participate first, and i might complete with my own babble later.

Try to be precise about your feedback, not just about liking it or not, but what aspect.
Try to also admit to good aspects, or improvements (I have some).

So 2 contingencies: PRO vs CONS and NEW vs OLD ( the old might also have had pros and cons is what i mean).

Edit: if not wanting to retype dispersed feedback in other threads, one could just put post-specific links. I might do some if nobody helps. (right click on post number to the right and copy link address and paste below)
It seems like there should be a link to the original game or at least an analysis view of the game. Not just analysis board with the FEN. Am I missing something or is this not possible?
@schlawg open the 3-dot menu and click "Analysis board" or "View on Lichess" (They appear to do the same thing?)

@dboing for me the biggest con is the color scheme of the annotations. Dark grey text on darker grey background is impossible to read.
"Analysis Board" literally takes me to the analysis board with FEN, so at that point I've lost the entire game history.

I don't have "View on Lichess" but.... I AM using a dev instance and now that I think of it, last time i pulled from master branch was many days ago.
Thanks pigeonpal, I just head over to the Analysis forum to check a recent posted game there. "View on Lichess" does indeed take you to analysis. Must have been added after I pulled from git.

No complaints.
i may also have te review the feature... maybe i should have waited some more before making this thread... I do have feedback, which i would not refer to as complaint. But that back-link to original game seem to be accessible per previous posts.
Still waiting for others.. or the energy to find back the posts i saw elsewhere. ( i might check if reproducible before posting it here).

@boilingfrog made a report that caught my eye and i could reproduce it in that thread.. posting the embed here, but the ply # from post game URL has no effect of which position the embeds shows when displayed. it seems to always for back to ply 0.
...... Oqais0qp/black#34

We used to be able to make a precise point out of a game, by having a given position within the game, not forcing the reader to scroll to the position if a point was about a specific position. At least visually, at a glance, when entering a thread or post.
@schlawg said in #7:
> For those having trouble posting links at a specific ply, try using a study:
> I have created

Thanks. we posted at the same time.
problem with study embed, is that it is still imposing the figurine notation (which is not very readable by aging eyesight on average monitor dpis.. i mean at least me: i find them small and not very different from each other compared to alphabet).

I am curious, is there something preventing user preferences on analysis pages to transfer to forum embeds?
@Akbar2thegreat said
open game old feature:
> Earlier, we could simply open the game with link below in the embedded game itself.
>> First we have to click on 3 dots button and then view on Lichess.
>> vocabulary "View on lichess" versus previous "open game"
>> on other occasions, the view game option doesn't even come up.

>Also, we could use keyboard to play moves in thread itself.

I edited to keep the facts and reordered.
Once a salient immediate feature, "open game" is now one depth further behind a menu (and was renamed).

The navigation in forum embed has kept the mouse scrolling but lost the keyboard arrow navigation, now interpreted by the browser only.

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