
Lichess swag store

Hello ! I have a very short question : If I buy something at the Lichess swag store, will Lichess make any benefit ?
Thanks in advance !
Yes, the money goes directly in helping Lichess.
I have purchased a hoddie from Swag Store. I notice Patrons show an icon by their username showing that they contributed. Please could Lichess introduce an incon showing if a username made a purchase from the Swag Store?
@watford Thats interesting idea! I sort of like it but there should be a minimum purchase amount to get the Patron icon. Maybe $50? Lichess won't make massive margins on the swag store so not as much direct benefit over just donating.
I spent £27.29 which is 34.35 United States Dollar. I am willing to spend more to bring up to $50 US. Cheers

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