
Lichess Is Worse than

I know that the staff of this webpage will take this down eventually but I got to say when comparing this to there are some huge flaws.. First of a good thing about lischess is that every feature is free unlike but it comes with some rigged features such as tournaments.. I just learned that the match making on this webpage is whatever score u (you) have is who ur pared with and that rigs the tournaments to where the pros can win money tournaments or normal for free and just trying won't change the fact that we beginners can't win ever.. on there tournaments are by rating where it's fair.. Also, I can't help say but there are problems such as I can't delete an account cuz (cause) of verification or my email got deleted.. or change my email.. and many problems with setting specifically**.. but in my report, I don't see lichess being a friendly community and that's it's being racist.. in the form of that pros can win freely while beginners can't I also can't stand the pros saying that it's fine to lose you'll win eventually, in reality, I have never won against someone rated 1500+ unlike on and just saying but is better to play on than this website.. 1 last thing there is no way to ask staff for help only the community..
1. You can't seriously expect me to start listing problems with other chess sites.
2. I helped write the rating system upon which the pairing system is predicated, although I have raised nuanced criticisms of the tournament pairing weights (clustering players by rank rather than by score).
3. If there are problems, there are paths to resolution
4. Perhaps try playing slower games and better moves.
You could also focus on the bright sides of lichess instead - for example an incredible study section feature and a lightweight always working experience with no lag. When comparing websites, you should take into account all pros and cons, not just cons for one site and just pros for the other. That way you could always portrait A as being better as B.
<Comment deleted by user>
@KawaiiBlackBear said in #1:
> I know that the staff of this webpage will take this down eventually but I got to say when comparing this to there are some huge flaws.. First of a good thing about lischess is that every feature is free unlike but it comes with some rigged features such as tournaments.. I just learned that the match making on this webpage is whatever score u (you) have is who ur pared with and that rigs the tournaments to where the pros can win money tournaments or normal for free and just trying won't change the fact that we beginners can't win ever.. on there tournaments are by rating where it's fair.. Also, I can't help say but there are problems such as I can't delete an account cuz (cause) of verification or my email got deleted.. or change my email.. and many problems with setting specifically**.. but in my report, I don't see lichess being a friendly community and that's it's being racist.. in the form of that pros can win freely while beginners can't I also can't stand the pros saying that it's fine to lose you'll win eventually, in reality, I have never won against someone rated 1500+ unlike on and just saying but is better to play on than this website.. 1 last thing there is no way to ask staff for help only the community..

ive beaten 2000s
feel free to be rude to lichess all you want (this is sarcasm).... is horrible i hate it and stop insulting lichess
if you decide to be mean feel free to get chat banned or reported(this is true)
This is like saying that you go to restaurant x to complain about how bad their plates are and how good restaurant y plates are, but then you realize that restaurant x gives you a meal for free everytime you order it while restaurant y makes you pay for it everytime.

If you win more on chesscom why don't you play there? Maybe because you don't wanna pay for the stuff that lichess already gives you for free?
Chesscom has its own good features, that lichess has not, not gonna deny that, but if we think of the whole picture lichess is far better under so many points of view, and that is just my opinion.

As long as you keep it civil I don't think this post will be deleted.
Perhaps this feedback is some sort of indication that 3+0 is too fast for players under 2000.
NO! Lichess is good! Unless you do not like it than you can leave!

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