
Lichess Clock Chrome Extension

Tryout chrome extension for showing animated clocks while playing a lichess game.

When playing a game with 0 increment, it creates 2 clock dials. Each dial matches percentage of time for both players.
For a game with increment you will see a single dial split for both players. Each section representing time available to a player.

You might need to resize the browser for it display without overlapping on lichess content. It works great if browser is greater than 900 px.

Just looking at the image at the website you linked, the placement of the "clocks" isn't intuitive at all and therefore they're completely useless. It would be better to place them to the right of the board, top right for your opponent and bottom right for yourself (preferably even right next to the usernames).
Ideally the new clock dials would be placed left of the timer elements. Also, I'm wary of running an extension whose source code is not published.

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