
It's time to stop bots from playing rated variant games - ratings abuse.

The antichess and atomic communities here on lichess have a serious problem with players artificially inflating their ratings using bots. This is not a new problem in the variants community. Here is a note from the developer of the atomic bot Sordid (from FICS) that had to stop playing rated games many years ago for this reason.

"I am now playing unrated atomic only. This way I don't have to police for people abusing the rating system. You can repeat openings all you want. Hopefully I will be a better contribution to the atomic community this way."

In atomic there are openings in which bots cannot evaluate correctly. This is because they have an inability to evaluate some endgame style positions correctly which, combined with the horizon effect, creates a weakness. It means there exists positions where bots will almost always transition into losing endgames where many humans would not. This is what players have been abusing.

There are many players that will play exclusively or primarily as white against these bots. They will, sometimes in hundreds of games consecutively, repeat the same lines from the opening. The bots almost always reply with the same inferior move resulting in a loss or draw at best. The player rinses and repeats often to the tune of hundreds of ratings points. In over 10 years of playing variants, the most extreme cases of ratings abuse I've ever seen has recently occurred with @GodelEscherBot. It has recently lost over 600 antichess rating points and 200 atomic ratings points. The antichess abuse is so bad that players have been repeating the same winning GAMES IN THEIR ENTIRETY (to completion!) multiple times against it. At that point, you're not even playing chess.

I think the only solution to this problem is to clear these artificial ratings and prevent bots from playing rated games. I don't think forcing colour alternation is a way of solving this problem. A 1900 player that repeats an exploitable line against a 2500 bot can go 5-5 in a series with relative ease. This would almost certainly not be the case against 2500 rated human opposition.

edit: speling and grammar.
I also agree, and think that even bots can play rated games, the games should only be rated for the bot and not the human. That way bot abuse will not result in people getting overrated since people will not get ratings.
Many Atomic human players play the same opening every single time that is crushed in practically the same way. I'm afraid this is not specificially a bot problem, but the problem of Antichess & Atomic forcing-moves nature, although for bots it is worsened by the facts that
1) You can often challenge the bot without much restrictions. A human will probably refuse to play with you many times if finds you an "inconvenient" opponent. 2) Bots are usually high-rated, and cause bias much faster than playing the same line against typical 1900-rated one-opening-spammer.
I'm not sure how this really should be solved, as removing bot ratings completely seems an overkill. Maybe it's better to oblige bot authors to prevent rating abuse and restrict certain bots from playing rated games if they're not doing that well. This is, however, an additional headache to moderators...
@Wolfram_EP The problem isn't that we have forcing lines. The problem is that the way engines handle certain lines gives rise to an exploitable weakness in these variants. The nature of human play covers the exploitable weakness that bots have. For instance, a human is never going to play atomic 1. Nf3 f6 2. e3 e6 3. Nd4 c6 endgame style positions in the same way a bot does. In atomic at least, humans can easily spot abstract concepts like "pawnitization" and long term material conversions (a piece vs two pawns win for the pawns for instance) which engines have difficulty evaluating.

Humans are also more likely to vary their opening choice and play styles, whereas a bots style and choice is often rigid. EscherGodelBot lost 18 games in a row in exactly the same way. A human is never going to repeat the exact same loss that many times in a row, even if it means playing a speculative move to get their opponent out of book. Also, human players are probably not going to allow a player to play exclusively white or a majority of games as white against them.

A solution for a bot like Atomicchessbot might be to assign a fixed rating that is instead tied to the ratings of all active players and the assumption that the bot is better than the number 1 active player rather than it's game performance.
Antichess is solved and therefore antichess ratings are an unsolvable problem further compromised by Lichess' defective Glicko-2 implementation.

This last month I tested numerous patches to improve atomic knowledge for @GodelEscherBot however every test was unsuccessful. That bot is running on affordable cloud services in OVH (probably your PC is more powerful) in the hopes of finding bugs which I can fix:
Boosting can be done - and is done - as well with bot accounts and normal accounts.

It's a bannable offense, so report it on and we'll deal with it. Thanks

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