
Is There Any Benefit To Reporting Cheaters

30 or so games ago - I obviously played someone using an engine.

I have only ever reported 2 players in 5000 games.

I was at my peak at the time - and after going on a dip since the defeat - I have got it back higher than when I played this game - 5 rating points higher.

My opponent can go on to set up a new account and continue to cheat.

Yet I was cheated.

But get no refund of lost rating.

This site is self policed in a large way by it's players to promote a good community. I feel there are less cheaters than other sites which is good.

but what is the point in reporting and policing this if I get nothing back from doing so.
@AndEweBar did the cheater get banned? try checling their account, if they cheated you should get your rating back
@tyler0300 No - the FAQ points out that if your rating is higher than when you played a cheater - you don't get the rating back.

I checked and this is the case.

And yes they have been banned.
You report cheats so they get banned and don't cause further problems. Getting points back is secondary.
I still don’t understand. I can block the player.

What other problem does it cause me?
I'd be cautious about accusing anyone of cheating. Sometimes they just play better than average or their play tempo feels odd, like an automatic re-capture takes a few seconds, but in reality they were just distracted for a second.

While it must happen occasionally, lichess analyses games offline and detects most genuine cheaters automatically.
@abdekker as I mentioned in 5000 games I have only ever reported twice.

And they sent me a message thanking me for reporting and that they have acted on the report. The account is marked as having violated.

But I still lost and lost rating because of it.

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