
Is there an official lichess stance on avatars?

There have been threads on the topic but I couldn't find anything definitive. Personally I like the idea of avatars since it adds flavour and makes the playing experience immediately a little more personal.

If it's a moderation problem, how about something that's customizable within limits, like so:

(Mockup based on the pawn from them horsey piece set)
"Official stance"? Well, it's not possible. Is that official enough for you?
I :horsey: this.

I have been and continue to be a fan of customizable Avatarts. The gif being an excellent example of what it could look like.
@Doofenshmirtz I meant insofar as wether there's a reasoned decision against it and why. I am aware there's no avatars on the site right now.

Thanks Tbest!

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