
I have not possibility to play Correspondence Rated games in variants

@rzenaikrzys calm down. After all this is just an online chess website. No one wanted to criticize you to the point where you said they were 'disloyal'. I saw your games against @kleerov and some of your other recent correspondence. I don't want to make you angry or anything. Most of your wins against 1500?'s were on time, only like 5 moves in. At least play correspondence with people closer to 2000
@rzenaikrzys What a baby you are. Everyone is telling truth. You are just scared of your rating. People like you is polluting this site. Grow up and play games like a man. You are just a guy that is boosting his rating by playing against 1500?. I barely do not care if you have played three games vs Kleerov at 1+0, it is your problem. You are not good at bullet, then why are you even playing it. Stop blaming us and realize that you are the problem.
The day that you realize that you should listen to others will be forever celebrated!
Another thing I want to say is some people do this in fast time controls too and its so annoying. @personal-universe plays about once a week, and when he does he plays a 1500?. He does this to get onto the leaderboard. He only has 3 losses, 2 of them from me. I have messaged him often, but no response.

I had two games against @playchess202020. I did nothing wrong, only said 'Good Luck' and 'Hello'. I won both games, and he even said 'Thank You' at the end. Just two minutes later, he blocked me. A lot of people use this to never be able to play strong players.
I think it would just be better if you played in more tournaments. @rzenaikrzys just like ingrid should do, then there might be more value to your opinions. I think everyone might going overboard that you play 1500s considering your avg opponent rating is 1950s and mine is around 1866 and I have won the most RK shields (3 out of 6 tourneys). This only based on Racing Kings. However, your 3-check avg opponent is very disappointing (1500s). You have understand that correspondence is typically frowned upon. It would be fine if you would step out of your comfort zone and play a 3+2 game of RK. Which honestly is plenty of time.

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