
I dont use computer assistanse

In following game you can easily see that you have:

-high accuracy
- a graph which get pretty straight up on top (so no human mistakes visible although it is a blitz game)
- equal move time from 5-8 seconds all the game Long.

pretty difficult to dont mark your account in that circumstances Mister.
i really wonder why you still dont admit it.

I mean I often meet People in online chess like you.

But now that i meet someone here in Forum i really have to ask you:

Do you think you are healthy in head? This is such a psychotic behaviour what you do. I really wonder.
You are very rude. You have no proof, but I have them there.
This is not quite fair to me
To add to his argument, look at the white's move 27. He's up a rook, so almost every human would minimize the risk of losing and recapture on g3. However the computer doesn't mind making it complicated and started going for tactics as he can win some more material this way.
There does not have anything that might resemble a computer move. I think you are poorly versed in this.
I think this thread should be closed. Get clear with your Feelings SeptemberTheSlayer and come back to chess then.

best wishes

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