
Give Me Horsey

And although you might try to use for something like this, just know - that area of the GitHub is like an event horizon from which no submitted idea, question, answer or action can ever emerge. The information is destroyed upon reaching the singularity (unless you assume the existence of hairy black holes where the entropy's origin can theoretically be traced, in which case the information within a GitHub discussion is even less accessible than objects that have fallen into a black hole)..
Why? Please inform me the point of this decision. I think the current logo is completely fine, and we should be requesting actual changes that need implementing.
@schlawg said in #11:
> And although you might try to use for something like this, just know - that area of the GitHub is like an event horizon from which no submitted idea, question, answer or action can ever emerge. The information is destroyed upon reaching the singularity (unless you assume the existence of hairy black holes where the entropy's origin can theoretically be traced, in which case the information within a GitHub discussion is even less accessible than objects that have fallen into a black hole)..

I was going to second that, but then I checked... 2 of my easier suggestions have been implemented:
@Toadofsky said in #13:
> I was going to second that, but then I checked... 2 of my easier suggestions have been implemented:

Just as there is a non-zero chance that at a specific moment, all of the air molecules could spontaneously arrange themselves in a single corner of a given room, so too it is theoretically possible that something from GitHub discussions will also be implemented in our reality. Sadly however, correlation is not causation.
@schlawg said in #14:
> Just as there is a non-zero chance that at a specific moment, all of the air molecules could spontaneously arrange themselves in a single corner of a given room, so too it is theoretically possible that something from GitHub discussions will also be implemented in our reality. Sadly however, correlation is not causation.

Well, I suppose it depends how large the room is and how many air molecules there are.
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