
Game Completion Rate

Is the game completion rate a measure of disconnects, or does something else go into it (quitting early in games for example?). I always read it as a mesure of disconnects, but my own currently displays as 93%. I have just checked my statistics and these tell me that I have only 3 disconnects, all accidental or internet-dropping, in 1953 games, so well under 0.05%.

Does the number also include failure to start games (I can be a bit dozy and fail to play as I get absorbed in another tab while waiting for a game and don't notice a game has started), or early quits perhaps?
1)Yes, it does include these.
2) It shows only the last 30 games.
Afaik it counts disconnects, failure to start, aborts, and letting time run out instead of resigning. However, to calculate the value, they look at your last 30 games excluding wins and draws. So only games you lost and games you aborted are considered for this statistic.

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