
FourWay Chess

Already posted to community not realizing you have a suggestion box.
Anyway I think a lot of ichess fans would love to have 4 way chess.
Have you considered it? I realize the programming could be super hard
but hey you guys can do anything.. Thank you for providing the service.
I plan on getting a paid membership once I move..
@liljoesix Thibault has said that this is a chess site where there is ONE board and TWO players. If Bughouse is never going to be considered, why do you think 4 player chess will? Even if multiplayer variants were to be considered, last I heard no variants are considered to be added so you've got to wait a long time.
@ryanjam Do you know where thibault said that? I'm sure he did, but you wouldn't happen to have the blog/post link? no big deal, if you don't have it don't look for it; I'm just curious.
I don't know what 4Way chess is! There already is a topic about that!

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