
Feature request. Open for all Tournament visibility.

I seen a lot of people posting, that they can't find their (or others) tournaments.
Last Sunday I was looking for KATG classical Sunday tournament, but I couldn't find it.
I got an invitation, so I did find it in the end, but only because of an private message.

How about we make all (open for all) tournaments visible. By for example, letting us search for all open Classical, Bullet or whatever our poison :)
And see the date/time they open?
Or a Lichess page that have all open tournaments listed? I mostly see private tournaments or official Lichess tournaments.

If there already is an opportunity for this, please link it.

If not... Perhaps a forum where all tournaments could be listed/search and joined, within your game preference. (Not a chat forum, just a forum to see all Tournaments, and search for whatever we are looking for.
Ps. I use an Android phone, so this site might be different from PC.
This feature has been purposefully deactivated when the number of players and tournaments increased.
if I forget to take my own tournament link after creating, then how can i found my tournament. ? Is there any option to search my own created tournament.
oh i found how to search our own created tournament, kindly ignore my last question and thanks to lichess team to give us such a great website.

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