
[Feature request] do something for the off-topic

The off-topic contains some good and interesting threads [1]. The issue is they are completely hidden by the flood of dumb, repetitive topics created by kids ("how do I become a mod?" "BTS or one direction or Minecarft or Roblox or hot-dogs or sexy cats"? "What if you had the choice between a free Ferrari and shaking Justin Bieber's hand?" "Today is my birthday"...)
It would be nice to do something about it.

Some time ago, someone suggested to create a new off-topic section for kids and/ or memes and pop culture. Although it was one of the most popular feature requests, and it seems easy in terms of implementation, it hasn't been done.
Another similar idea would be to subdivise the off-topic section in thematic subsections: society, culture, science, memes and jokes, forum games and riddle, personal stuff... Again, that doesn't seem too heavy in terms of implementation.
Another possible idea would be to give the users the possibility to hide for themselves the threads they are not interested in. This way the dumb threads which constantly get bumped up wouldn't appear on page 1.

I am sure other people could come up with even better ideas. But I really do think something needs to be done for the off-topic section. Leaving it as it is now even defeats the purpose of having it in the first place.

Also it's not exactly a feature, but unban posters like tpr or chummer could help. It is unfortunate, but quality forum posters occasionally break the rules, whereas shitposters might not do anything against the rules, but they also flood the forum with spam.
@FC-in-the-UK said in #2:
> Also it's not exactly a feature, but unban posters like tpr or chummer could help. It is unfortunate, but quality forum posters occasionally break the rules, whereas shitposters might not do anything against the rules, but they also flood the forum with spam.
@chummer is not active from 2 months. I guess he got depressed, because he was chat banned :(
I doubt he would get depressed over a chatban on Lichess. The guy seems to have a very interesting life. I'd rather think he decided if he can't post anymore, he hasn't any reason to log in.
> Another possible idea would be to give the users the possibility to hide for themselves the threads they are not interested in.
Well for that to work, lichess has to track you, doesn't it? So that isn't gonna happen, probably, unless there's another way...
Does Lichess really need an off-topic?
Get a vote done when players log in. If the majority says remove it then make lichess simpler and remove the problem.

I used that section and have read in that section but vote to remove it.
@buzzywasps said in #7:
> @FC-in-the-UK
> Well for that to work, lichess has to track you, doesn't it? So that isn't gonna happen, probably, unless there's another way...
Hum no. When you change your background or set of pieces or when you unsubscribe from a thread, it remembers it. I guess the same could be done for hiding threads.

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