
Error with stockfish 8 (don't know how to win a winning endgame)

I was playing with stockfish 8 from position....
He had knight and bishop and king for only a king .... and he did not know how to win the position and he draw the match ...
I will send the link of the game ... hope if u can fix it

I don't know how you did that, when I try from that position I get mated easily.
@Reda_Matouk said in #1:
> I was playing with stockfish 8 from position....
> He had knight and bishop and king for only a king .... and he did not know how to win the position and he draw the match ...
> I will send the link of the game ... hope if u can fix it

the issue is stockfish can't see all the way to mate therefore it does not know how to win this because all moves give the same value until it finds mate the only way to fix it would be for stockfishes developers to make a special detection for knight and bishop. lichess can't do anything since they only use stockfish not code it
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@Smipps The question is not why it is a draw. The OP is aware of the rule. He asked why Stockfish is not able to give checkmate within 50 rules although it could easily be forced.
I am astonished, too; but I think @for_cryingout_loud explained it well. With brute force, Stockfish would probably have to look ahead 35 moves to detect a winning way.
At the beginning White makes everything alright, forcing the black kong to the corner. But then he does not know how to continue.

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