
Enforcement of stalling/quitting games

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What about people who post a challenge in the Lobby, and then when you accept they sit unresponsive. I had to go through dozens of these just to find people who actually want to play. Super annoying.

Some people will even play a few moves, and then just abandon the game.

The engagement in general is TERRIBLE on this website.
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@LinearStork said in #1:
> Everyone knows this issue, and I am sure everyone has had it happen to them more times than they want to think about.
> If you read the title, I am of course talking about stalling and quitting games like a child instead of resigning or playing the remainder of the game out.
> Here is my solution:
> If one has less than 95% completion rate on their account, they are not allowed to play any rated games or sign up for any tournaments. (Unrated tournaments included)
> I do not see how it is at all acceptable to have these players even allowed to play on the site, but at least this way, those players will be barred from rated play and can go play unrated games until they grow up.
> Thanks for reading!

I do not agree.

If somebody played only ten games, and he „left“ one. The percentage is 90%, and it is not fair.

And it is their clock. They can do in their time what they want.

And if there is a bad connection?

And if they quit the game, you win normally. What lichess is already doing is great. No need to make it extreme.
"They can do in their time what they want." ...


I do not want to hear anyone saying this horrible line. There are bounds of sportsmanship, and you know that. The lines of "I can do whatever I want" and "I have every right to" are the favorite lines of fairplay defiers.
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Nobody is punished for their style of play. Abusing the infrastructure is punished. Lichess has a good level of consideration to not punish you just for first-time or minor offenses. The system exists to "coerce" you in following the rules. Honestly I'm getting tired of trolls spreading their bad faith attitude, and receiving credit for it.
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@Cedur216 said in #15:
> "They can do in their time what they want." ...
> I do not want to hear anyone saying this horrible line. There are bounds of sportsmanship, and you know that. The lines of "I can do whatever I want" and "I have every right to" are the favorite lines of fairplay defiers.

Fairplay is for me to follow the rules. And in the rules are almost explicit stated: you do what you want in your time. It is up to you to manage YOUR time. Not the opponents time. So... if i start a game, i will reserve my time to play till end that means checkmate, resignation or the time runs out. And for me this is a good sportsmanship. Only one thing i may agree with you, because the phrase is too generic, and it is already in the rules, it is the use of external help. The rest, if the opponent wants to play slow/fast, or let his time run out, it is not up to me. It is his bad time management.

And if he leaves/abort the games, not of my business. I move on.
So you don't care at all if your opp hang their queen and then lets you wait for 3 or more minutes to spite you?

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