
Don't resign my game because my wifi stutters for 30 seconds.

I was on a 14 game win streak and it ended when my wifi stopped working for roughly 30 seconds. I refreshed and found out my opponent was given the victory in a completely equal position out of the opening. I wasn't gone for more than a minute. And to add insult to injury, lichess warns me that disconnecting instead of resigning will result in a ban, and my account now reflects that I have disconnected in a game.

Stop doing this. My opponent can wait a minute.
It's not entirely automatic. After roughly a minute of you gone, the opponent is offered the "Claim Victory" button. Looks like he used it, so apparently he couldn't wait a minute.
I use it only if it's obvious my opponent ragequit, otherwise I usually wait for several minutes, because some people do come back and continue. Not everyone's that patient tho.
Sucks, I had a similar situation where I was in a completely winning endgame where I was up the exchange and had an extra pawn. 3 vs 2 on the same side of the board I had 2 rooks he had a rook and a knight so not much room for complications. After about 3 minutes of waiting for him to make a move I thought he was just being sore so I opened up my other tab to switch the music and was prompted with:
leaving games without resigning will result in a temporary ban

I guess the system is put in place to avoid making players wait when their opponent leaves the game but to me when people desperate to get rating in classical games are in a losing position they'll spend a long time "thinking" in a dead position, hoping you'll leave the game so they can claim victory though haven't had this problem in Lichess V2.

Sucks, but I guess I'll keep the tab open next time.
The amount of benefit that people would gain by removing this feature is nothing compared to the amount of benefit that it provides. For every legitimate incident like the ones mentioned here, there are tons of ragequitters that leave to waste my time. Should the rest of us wait forever for a game to end just because a ragequitter closed their tab, leaving the game permanently?

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