
Does Lichess Track Mouse Movement (Mods??) They Should.

I do not feel safe if lichess tracks my mouse movement.
I feel that http requests sent to lichess during a game should only be things related to the game itself.

Also, most cheaters don't use a bot to send in moves, they put the moves on an engine and manually put the moves onto lichess.

In an FPS adding a random pattern would be unnatural, because of the continuous camera control, which will make the "player" look silly; in a board game it could be done by breaking the mouse path into a series of small 'SetCursorPos ' calls or equivalent, with a random, small delta, and plotting the coordinate that moves the pointer from A to B... there is no need for the code to follow any pattern, it will just push out random X and Y variations that would avoid moving into a perfect straight line or clean diagonal, and it would be a fairly reasonable "shake" effect; not a perfect human simulation but good enough to make mouse tracking only an inconclusive, empirical guess, hence not useful.

Edit - just a crude example, which could be much more refined:

Same for voice control: many voice command software can take exclusive control of the MIC while operating, there's even an option for it in Windows sound settings... the browser code won't be able to see any activity

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