
Correspondence Bug / Problem

So this has happened quiet a few times now , whenever I challenge Stockfish level 8 to a correspondence game , after a few days ( despite me playing some moves ) the game just disappears and says that I resigned when I didn't. Is this some sort of bug?
what can I do about this?
This just happened to me, too. The interval that elapsed wasn't even a few days, only a few hours.

All I did was close the app on my phone. To resign, I would have had to tap both the menu and the option, and I did neither; I'm 100% certain of that.

I have played over a hundred correspondence games in this manner -- often switching between devices, making some moves on my phone and some on the computer, at different hours of the day or night -- and this is the first time it has ever counted an app close as a "resignation." :( But I hope it never happens again! This is a definite bug in the Android app (if not the main site?), which should be addressed ASAP.

Thanks, guys, for an otherwise perfect program. Cheers from CA, USA.
Здравствуйте всем, к сожалению мой Английский очень плох. но я увидел слово "bug" и "problem" хотелось бы попытаться решить проблему.
у меня с недавнего времени игровая доска высвечивается в половину экрана и я не могу ее уменьшить, такое ощущение, что версия для персонального компьютера работает как для мобильных устройств, для того что бы все поле держать в фокусе, приходиться скролить вниз.
можно ли решить данную проблему.

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