
Cant see Friends

There is no indication that my friends are online.

Also I cant receive messages albeit i have indication i get which.
Hi chessovolution and Silverbirdy!

The friends feature is temporarily disabled as nowadays, lichess has been having the highest number of players online because of which, there is a high load on the server. To reduce the load and ensure the proper functioning of the site, online friends are temporarily not been shown. It will be back soon once it is implemented in a new and effective way which does not increase load that much. However, you still can follow other players and also can be followed by others. Once the feature is back, you will able to see your friends online.

As per your second issue, is the inbox link not working? Do you get a notification when someone sends you a message? What happens when you click that notification? Are you redirected to your inbox? It will be appreciated if you elaborate the issue a little bit. Also, can you please go to this link and see if you can read your messages?


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