
Bugs: ESC and modal windows, non-similar modal windows, and not 100% localized, even if it says so


I would like to report 3 issues. The first is a functional problem, then a UI suggestion, and at last a localized issue.

1) The functional problem
On this page it is stated "Command line: press / to open, and type /help for a list of commands". When i type /help in a game i get a help menu. At the very last line of that help menu, in the section Global Hotkeys it states "ESC Close modals like this one". But i cannot close the /help modal window with the ESC key (the key at the top left of the keyboard). It has no effect.
To reproduce:
a) Start rapid game,
b) Type /help
c) Choose <ESC>
Expected result: Modal window closes
Actually: Nothing happened

2) The UI suggestion
If i type /xyz (a nonvalid command) i get a modal window stateing " siger: Unknown command: "xyz". Type /help for the list of commands". I can close this with ESC :-) Happy!
However, this modal popup is not in the same nice layout as the /help window? Why?
To reproduce:
a) Start rapid game,
b) Type /xyz
Expected result: A modal windows in the same layout as if i had typed /help
Actually: A more basic design of modal window appeared.

3) Even if 100% localized, some texts still appear in English.
I use a Danish locale (da-DK). It seems that the UI is not fully translated. Some texts seem to be in english like "Press <enter> to focus", Or the help window that appears after /help, or if i hoover over a username it states "Rapid games over xxx games". BUT when i go to it states that Danish is 100% translated. Is this 100% counter a bit off - or are the above-mentioned texts not meant to be localized?
To reproduce:
a) Start rapid game,
Expected result: All texts localized to Danish, since the localize page states that 100% are translated to Danish acc. to
Actually: Not all are localized i.e. "Rapid games over xxx games"

I am very aware that these issues might be minor. And perhaps they are not regarded as issues at all. But when you have the time, you could perhaps consider these topics.


Browser: Crome 74.0.3729.131
OS: Windows 10
Locale: Denmark
1) This does work fine for me, tested on both the latest Chrome and Firefox for Windows. Are there any errors in your browser console?
2) This would look a bit nicer, agreed - but that is currently very low priority given the existing regressions of v2.
3) The "100% localized" that Crowdin mentions, is about the strings that are currently translatable. There are still strings in our codebase that are not translatable yet, and therefore they are also not in Crowdin.

Thanks. Agree on 2). Ok on 3).
Regarding 1):

I do not see any errors in the console. I have tried to enter the following in the console to make sure that i actually press ESC. Here is the output from the console:

window.addEventListener('keydown', console.log, true) undefined <= entered by me!

KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Shift", code: "ShiftRight", location: 2, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "/", code: "Digit7", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "h", code: "KeyH", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "e", code: "KeyE", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "l", code: "KeyL", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "p", code: "KeyP", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Enter", code: "Enter", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Escape", code: "Escape", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}

However when i try it now, it seems to work sometimes. I am not sure excatly what i do when it does not work. I will try to investigate and return when/if i am able to reproduce it 100%. For now it does not seem to be a priority issue.

Alright, if there is a reproducible pattern where it doesn't work, please let us know!

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