
(Bug?) Pairing message remains on screen, blocking game

In the Android app, when I use Quick Pairing, the popup box refuses to go away, even though the game is obviously beginning in the background. I can't make a move, and the game aborts after so many seconds.

It doesn't happen 100% of the time - maybe 50%. But ALL my "aborted" games in the past week have been due to this bug. Any ideas?
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I also have the same issue. I read this happened in the past when the keyboard extension was turned on. But mine is off. When will this be resolved?
@What_Are_Lurs said in #5:
> ...I read this happened in the past when the keyboard extension was turned on. But mine is off...

I don't know what a "keyboard extension" is, but I'm pretty sure I don't have that on my Android tablet.
Just happened again. I made a screenshot this time, but don't know how to add it here.
@What_Are_Lurs said in #5:
> I also have the same issue. I read this happened in the past when the keyboard extension was turned on. But mine is off. When will this be resolved?

I have no idea, but maybe try using a browser instead of the app?
I noticed it usually happens when I have big ping latencies due to bad network coverage. Must have something to do with the way the server handles requests...
Still happening, in case anyone reading works for Lichess.

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