

I joined the eastern blitz tournamnet the game started and it didnt show anything to me i was waiting and the browser was still searching for an an opponent then i found out i got paired and didn't move and lost elo points it was Lichess fault it didnt show me the game
@EngGrekenstein said in #1:
> I joined the eastern blitz tournamnet the game started and it didnt show anything to me i was waiting and the browser was still searching for an an opponent then i found out i got paired and didn't move and lost elo points it was Lichess fault it didnt show me the game
Or U lost connection
@EngGrekenstein said in #1:
> I joined the eastern blitz tournamnet the game started and it didnt show anything to me i was waiting and the browser was still searching for an an opponent then i found out i got paired and didn't move and lost elo points it was Lichess fault it didnt show me the game

You lost only 5 points you can again play and win 5 points
Hi, i want to report a bug, Lichess is warning me restricting my account, because i have lost a few correspondence games, but is it not intentionally because, i loss that games because i didnt reach to view the notifications alerting that there is a few time to answer that games.
@Cristian8889 said in #5:
> Hi, i want to report a bug, Lichess is warning me restricting my account, because i have lost a few correspondence games, but is it not intentionally because, i loss that games because i didnt reach to view the notifications alerting that there is a few time to answer that games.
As long as it doesn't keep happening, u shuld be fine
Buenas noches quisiera saber como puedo recuperar mi cuenta de lichess.. ya que hace unos meses mi computadora sufrio un daño y todos los datos que tenia se fueron ahi incluso mis contraseñas mi otra cuenta es @natalia-2 y queria saber si alguien me puede ayudar a recuperarlo porque tambien perdi el correo del mismo porfavor
@DiamondLisboa said in #7:
> Buenas noches quisiera saber como puedo recuperar mi cuenta de lichess.. ya que hace unos meses mi computadora sufrio un daño y todos los datos que tenia se fueron ahi incluso mis contraseñas mi otra cuenta es @natalia-2 y queria saber si alguien me puede ayudar a recuperarlo porque tambien perdi el correo del mismo porfavor
Necesits el corrreo, o si no dile a un mod
Edit:error grammatical

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