
Add rapid with increment to "Quick Game"

15 + 10 or 15 + 5 is Rapid.
Classic is something with 25+0 or 15+15 or more.
You can see what time control it is when you create a game, change the time control and and look at symbol (rabbit or turtle) at the bottom.
ahh, it's interesting. I did not know it.

But what I wanted to say was that at least one classic food and one rapid
I agree with #19 @Cuxhaven

Having 10+5 (or something close to it) would be cool. The custom game button does not logically fit into the grid anyways as it does not create a "quick game" but adds your game to the lobby and someone most join it manually before you can play.

The "Create game" button already does this, and is right next to the custom game button anyways.
great idea! that should make everyone happy.

To summarize: add 10+5 rapid+inc time control to quick pairing menu by replacing the (redundant) "Custum game" button.

Now, how to bring this to the attention of devs? Should I open a github ticket?

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