
About tournaments with money prizes


I have noticed that sometimes there are tournaments with prizes (for instance 50$ for 1st place, 30$ for 2nd, etc).

This kind of tournaments are nice, but let's be honest, no average player can pretend to win those prizes.

So, I was wondering if it was possible to include a 4th prize. This one will be attributed to one random player among the top 10% players in the tournament.

There. Should be U1800 and U2000 sections which have prize money. Because average players should get a chance to win some $$.
@Googleplayer45678 U1800 would just cause players with more than 1800 rating to deliberately lose to get under 1800 and win the prizes. Same for U2000.

I think, the idea of attributing a price to a random player among 10% best players in a tournament might avoid this issue.

@kandrc can you elaborate?
@Samy129291 they can't do that cuz the toury. Only selects players who have an average week rating. E.g if a player has 2100 rating for a week, and they sentbag to get 2000, the computer knows the aveage player is 2100, they can't join! Go join any tourys which are much lower rated then yours, they won't allow you, cuz they know your weekly avearge rating! My idea does work... I think... but don't know.
@Googleplayer45678 That's right, you can check the player's average weekly rating and check their profile to see whether or not they;ve intentially lowered their rating.
I've done that with my tournament where there's a first place prize for U1950, which you can see here:
Some people can make smurf accounts to try and do the same but you can always check when they've made the account
@Googleplayer45678 thanks for the precision I didn't know that. So, yes your idea would work then.
Though, I still think that adding a 4th random prize is nice, because it would give a chance to win for all players in any tournament type.

This is just an idea to encourage participation for all players. This way, even average players will do their best to get to top 100 or something. I think it would be a nice feature and will encourage competition among average players. There is no reason to keep the competition for top rated players only (+2400).

@savagechess2k pseudo-random is fair. Besides, we can leave it to the programmers to generate cryptographically secure numbers or generate numbers using services like This is not an issue.

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