
About Lance5500 trophies

I think Lance is too good at getting trophies. How can he manage to get a trophy so fast? I see that Lance had more trophies to cover his username from the past few days. Is this a bug or he is very good at it? It looks like a bug to me and I didn't see him participate in any trophy tournaments.
@SekKaiJun said in #1:
> ... I didn't see him participate in any trophy tournaments.
Wow, really? You should really see his tournaments.
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@SekKaiJun said in #1:
> I think Lance is too good at getting trophies. How can he manage to get a trophy so fast? I see that Lance had more trophies to cover his username from the past few days. Is this a bug or he is very good at it? It looks like a bug to me and I didn't see him participate in any trophy tournaments.

It is not too difficult to get top10/50/100 in some variants.

@SekKaiJun said in #8:
> Where?
<Comment deleted by user>

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