
Would you recommend From's Gambit against 1.f4 ?

If so, what is your favorite line/setup ?

We're talking 1.f4 e5!? - it's a fun opening but personally I wouldn't play it in long-play chess against a decent player, because White is more than likely to know what they're doing (and most lines of the gambit lead to a decent advantage to White once the complications are over).

Also White can transpose to the King's Gambit with 2.e4 which I know next to nothing about.

I'd prefer to play 1...d5 with some sort of reversed Dutch.
There is a very nice video from chessexplained on youtube, where he explains the bird opening and gives some tips to handle the opening with black. This will anser many questions.
He prefers d5 with Bg4 Nd7 to play e5. He explains also some sidelines, a very interesting video.
I played f4 as white almost all my life. So here is my advice: If you wanna play the From's Gambit as black there's a little-known line and still very aggressive.

1.f4 e5 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6 4. Nf3 Nf6 (not g5) 5. e3 (black will play Ng4 against almost any move) ... Ng4. And now some ideas: Black wants to sac a knight or a bishop on h2. In some lines black can checkmate on f2. If white plays g3 black must consider pushing the h pawn. In some lines, when white castles short, there is an exchange sacrifice against the knight.

I play it, but a lot of players try this !1.f4 e5 2. e4, in which case I play 2.. d5 and see if they know that.
Yes I know Mr twit computer disagrees and I blundered a rook, I still liked it
In OTB tournaments I always reply d5 to f4 and get good results with it. It is solid and does not have any sneaky traps I can fall into. So far I beat all my opponents with it, some of them are very strong.

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