
Why Is This Not A Draw?

I would think that, because there is no way for either side to win in the ending position, this should automatically be a draw. However, I can still lose on time. Why is this?
I'm not sure what you are talking about. It looks to me like it should be a win and it was.
You said: "I would think that, because there is no way for either side to win in the ending position, this should automatically be a draw."
I'm not sure what you mean. White can clearly win this position and did in the sample that you showed.

I agree with @themadqueen , the position is no different than having a knight on the board and winning on time (which is not possible, as algorithm would automatically make it a draw). I guess lichess needs to improve its algorithm and award automatic draws in forced draw positions or allow to win on time (in cases like having a single knight or bishop on the board) to justify.
It is winnable for white. You block some of the squares with the kings and let the queen deliver a "back rank" mate. It is not stalemate as the king can move to d7.

Example line for white winning:
1.Kb2 Kd7
2.Kc3 Ke8
3.Kd4 Kf8
4.Ke5 Kg8
5.Kf6 Kf8
@Brainhacker There is a difference between having just a queen and just a knight. When you have just a queen you can win by using your king to keep the other king on one side of the board while the queen delivers checkmate. When you just have a knight there is no position you can arrange the board in so that the knight delivers checkmate.


Knight (as close as I can get):
what's the issue? white wins easily and methodically, with Qa7, and then K to b2, c3, e4, d5 and so on, as black squirms around on the 8th rank. Am I missing something? This happens all the time and can be done in a few seconds of clock time

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