
Where's good sportsmanship?

I played against this guy 3 times, and we both did a considerable amount of blunders which we immediately realized, and the guy I played against seemed pretty cool, to begin with, but in our 3rd and concluding game, when he realized he was in a bad position that was gonna result in a discovered check and him losing material, he just disconnected, forcing me to wait for the timer to run out before claiming victory. I lost a game to him earlier in a pretty bad way earlier, too, blundering a free rook, but I just resigned. He initially did so, too, so I thought we were cool about it :/
I'm still new to Lichess, but can you report people for wasting your time by disconnecting? In this case, it is quite obvious it was a rage quit, but how would Lichess be able to determine whether it was a rage quit or a genuine connection issue generally?
@Chezz07 You can report people for absolutely anything that goes against the terms of service... rage quitting and disconnecting when lost is one of them.
All the best
@Chezz07 if you report him you'll make lichess a better place lichess encourages people to report bad behavior.
Did you report him? leaving a game purposefully because someone is down material is definitely against the TOS.
I just don't care on these rage-quiting people (I do the same, sometimes) and I'm not reporting them, that's your waste of time, basically.
Yeah, guys, I reported him now. Does this behavior become normal at certain ratings? Do people get more toxic the higher the rating, or is it just something among us 1500-1600 rated players?
This happens a lot. Should we really create a topic foir each occurence ?

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