
Upgrade Player

Gents, I have been playing this game for a while. The player I currently play with is fairly rubbish. Its only around 1200, no special moves, loosing all the time. How can I upgrade my player to - say - 2000? Thank you!
After a good 15 minutes of analysing, I got what the op meant.
He wants to improve his chess skills and get better at the game. He believe his playing strength in around 1200 or so, but he wants to reach the 2000 rating level. He needs some suggestions.
@tpr I know you can help him out!
Read chess literature. Let chess be part of your life at least 8 hours every day. And the most important, activate move confirmation in your profile.
Learn checkmates: queen, rook, bishop bishop, bishop knight
solve puzzles,
study end game,
play few long format games and analyze them in detail,
learn openigs- start from easy like italian, sicilian, ruy lopez , slav and move on

do it on daily basis and you will improve.
Tactics and endings to put it short.

Long version:
It's important to solve harder and harder puzzles to develope a ,,combinative vision", which makes you see potential tactics before they occure.
Simple tactics are advisable aswell, they develope a ,,pattern recognition", which makes you blunder less and take opportunities more often.
Some tips for the solving:
1. Take your time. Your brain needs around 8 seconds to recognize the approximate pattern.
2. Solve them daily. I didn't do it, which made me fairly inconsistent.
3. Solve the whole exercise along with as many variations you can (every good looking move must be regarded critical).

Endings are very important to get a good understanding of the pieces, the pawns and makes converting even small advantages very easy. Best is to start with the basic pawn endings (because they are essential to understand all others and are a great way to practice calculation) and then work yourself through the basic minor piece endings (the basics are enough).

Rook endings are the most important, as they occure in (roughly around) 50% of all games and are very complicated. I think you should study them the most. Play positions against SF or a friend (or yourself) to get a good understanding of the saving and winning techniques and work yourself through the theoretical postions as you go along (Philidor and Lucena are the two you must know BY HEART). ´Some small tips on the side: activity is often key and defending Rook endings is often much more study-worthy as it is harder and can safe you a lot of positions.

Endgame strategy comes mostly by practical play, but it is yet very important to know the basic principles.

Side note about openings and strategy:

Openings are not really important. The principles will bring you a long way and all you have to watch out for are tactics and early attacks.
In my own experience i found 1.d4 much easier to play as a beginner. Same goes for Caro-Kann as Black. It's solid and very hard to go wrong.

Strategy will mostly come with practical play, but it's still highly important to know about the basics and imbalances (imbalances are factors in the position that create chances for both sides to win: It can be a simple pawn weakness, a strong pawnbreak or even a better placed Piece).

It is worth having a look in/for the following:

Improving pieces:
Knights are easiest to understand: just look for a good square and bring it there.
Bishop improving is most aesthetic: look for a good diagonal or role and bring it/them there.
Rooks must go on open files, potential open files or behind past pawns.
Queens are most counterintuitive: It's best to bring the into the attack, but they can take the role of a Rook or even a Bishop (Imagine a black Queen on a8, a black Bishop on b7 and a white pawn on e4).

Pawn play:
Isolated pawns
backwards pawns
doubled pawns
past pawns
pawn chains
pawn breaks
pawn islands

Others such as: dynamics, space, maneuvering, prophylaxis are more advanced and not viable on your level.

I hope it helped.
You mean to upgrade your play not your "player" this is not a video game lol

Because upgrading your player like if you were a teacher would make no sense bcs then you wouldn't ask this
"The player I currently play with is fairly rubbish."

Creative, are you sure that's what he means? (and I can't imagine it was all that good of a 15 minutes). :)

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