
suggestions about improving

i love chess and want to develope my skills but i dont have much time to take lessons by a coach .i feel that without training ,playing chess is just enjoyable but not so much improving , as being stuck on same level.İ'd like to improve my game systematical . What are your suggestions ? İ am able to train one hour a day.
Have a clear plan to train so you can see your progress. (for example, solve and understand 3 endgame puzzles each day - start with the easy puzzles first).
Also if you get into a position where you don't know what to do, always check it out on the analysis board after the game.
Some general tips - and be advised that it does take time and effort to improve:
- Try to solve at least a few tactics puzzles daily
- Familiarise yourself with typical pawn structures and the middle-game plans (outposts, lines of control, pawn breaks) associated with them (
- Play longer games where you have time to think about your moves. Spend your turn calculating and spend your opponent's turn evaluating the position in broader strokes
- Think about each move. What does your opponent threaten with the move he/she just made? What weaknesses in their position were created because of it? Are any of your pieces being threatened and are they sufficiently defended? What threats can you make (checks, attacking pieces) and what do they lead to? What can you do to make your position better or restrict your opponent's options? How can your opponent respond to your move and what are the implications? If your opponent could make two moves in a row, what would they do?
- Review your games afterwards to see where you made mistakes and what opportunities you missed
- Play stronger players if you can as this will naturally force your level of play higher by necessity
- Learn the basic mating patterns, learn how to defend against them, and learn basic endgame patterns. With regards to mating threats - always be asking where can the opposing king move to if threatened (or what pieces can interrupt mating threats), and likewise how safe is your king?
- Focus on principled play and understanding why you're making certain moves, right from the very first move
You play rapid and classical, that is good.
You play with increment, that is good.
You have a decent tactics puzzle rating, that is good.
You already analyse most of your lost games, that is good.

Let us look at an example

Your move ...e5 is premature as you have pieces that are still undeveloped and you ignore the threat Bh6. Better candidate moves were ...h6, ...O-O, ...Nbd7
You should think longer in the opening.
Most chess games are essentially decided by move 30. So it is best to use all your time by move 30 and then finish the game on increment.

For systematical improvement I recommend two books available for free as their copyroght has expired
Capablanca "Chess Fundamentals"
Nimzovich "My System"
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Learn to draw the game. Then learn to win it.

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