
really good moves that would make you win

No offense, but putting bishops on top of central pawns is pretty bad to do.
This study is a lie. The opening is only one phase of the chess game. It doesn't matter how well you do in the opening (unless you get an early checkmate or extreme advantage) because you still have to play well in the middlegame and endgame. In addition, the third chapter of this study is wrong. Bd3 blocks off the d-pawn from moving, which makes it harder for the bishop on c1 to get out and stops the pawn on d2 from helping the e-pawn in the center.

Having a pawn in the center still makes the chance of winning around 50%, not 99.9%, if the opponent plays correctly.

Lastly, center control isn't everything. Some people play hypermodern chess and win against people taking the center with pawns.

This is also advertising because you misspelled "heart" by saying "heat" and you want to encourage people to like this study.
A 'long time' to make such a study?
~ No harm but there's nothing as studying any topic of chess.
I would better recommend you to see open studies from studies section and see how to make a study.
Also, you misspelled 'heart' with 'heat'. It means you were asking for hearts. Don't beg for hearts, people will heart by themselves if they found your studies interesting.

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