
Milner Barry Gambit players should delete their account

@p-wnattack it's not like they're playing a gambit on purpose, they just don't know what to do against the French and didn't see the tactic winning a pawn for black.
@AdamSandler LMAO the US teams are composed of nearly all Canadian players anyways. If you want to see what country is the best you only need to check the Olympics
@p-wnattack Oh my bad, I must have mistaken Alexander Ovechkin for a Russian when he was dominating the league and winning the cup last year. I didn't realize he was actually a Canadian in disguise.

Say speaking of the olympics, the most memorable event I can ever think of happening was the miracle on ice in which college kids from MN and the east coast of America beat one of the most unstoppable teams ever assembled. Seems like you're failing at everything today.

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