
CHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you mean by 'disable'?

You can hide is by pressing the down arrow on the bottom left of the screen.
C'était plus simple avant et la discussion des autres n'est pas très intéressante!
How we can organize to request the removal of the chat? before updates in the chat, the platform was well designed. who supported this initiative.
Patience. Updates are on the way. For the meantime, constructive criticism will be heard far louder than "burn it! Burn it all!"
Clarkey may be youre right, but this chat is bad, yesterday te web was so good and today :´(

I send a letter to designer. in this letter i written my gratitude and constructive criticism.

if a never writtern again in this foro is because i was kick out of this web site. =(
the general chat is good.

The chat would stay well in a small window on the right of the general room.

Chat in games should be as it was before.

Chat and did not exist in the other tabs.

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