
I've recently won $100, what's my best use of that money in chess?

As the title says, i've recently won $100 dollars and having been intrested in chess for a bit, i'm wondering my best use of that money that is chess related. I like structured learning, so courses are very easy for me to comprehend, i also like books if that's any help. also, i'd be interested in any chess books that aren't for studying, but are for fun. like a book on the history of chess, or something like that. Thanks in advance!
Buy something you like I guess. Im not a big fan of chessbooks tho. 100$ invested into a chess-course makes a lot more sense to me (if you are so eager to invest it into chess rather than something else).
@airfloo said in #2:
> Buy something you like I guess. Im not a big fan of chessbooks tho. 100$ invested into a chess-course makes a lot more sense to me (if you are so eager to invest it into chess rather than something else).

i guess my question is, what course specifically, or what book specifically , or whatever specifically.
Considering your lichess-rating I'd say a beginner book would fit better than some deep endgame thoughts of some random GM, but as I said, I guess I am the wrong person to ask. However, if you are interested into some cheap lessons feel free to contact me, I've coached some guys from university before :)
@airfloo said in #4:
> Considering your lichess-rating I'd say a beginner book would fit better than some deep endgame thoughts of some random GM, but as I said, I guess I am the wrong person to ask. However, if you are interested into some cheap lessons feel free to contact me, I've coached some guys from university before :)

thanks! i'll look into some other options but i'll keep that in mind. :)
Do you play OTB chess? You could start. Buy a chessboard & pieces, a clock, and a membership in your national chess federation. Spend the rest in dues and transportation costs to and from a local club.
@persoest said in #1:
> I also like books if that's any help. also, i'd be interested in any chess books that aren't for studying, but are for fun. like a book on the history of chess, or something like that. Thanks in advance!

Check out "The Two Book Chess Library" for some instructive books:

For fun chess lore try "The Fireside Book of Chess": or "Karl Marx Plays Chess and Other Reports on the World's Oldest Game": The author of the last book had a column in _Chess Life_ for decades called "Chess to Enjoy," which had annotated games related to some bits of chess lore. It's online and
@CaseyReese said in #8:
> Check out "The Two Book Chess Library" for some instructive books:
> For fun chess lore try "The Fireside Book of Chess": or "Karl Marx Plays Chess and Other Reports on the World's Oldest Game": The author of the last book had a column in _Chess Life_ for decades called "Chess to Enjoy," which had annotated games related to some bits of chess lore. It's online and

ooh! thanks! all those suggestions seem great!

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