
Is It True that People Like Magnus can see like 15 moves Ahed?

Am I calculating a pawn being pushed, queening and then to mate? Easily done. In a complicated 32 piece position? Nope.
well... if you can mate with A queen in 14 moves that is true.
Sure he can (and not just Magnus!). The point though is that you have to see the right moves... ;)
@MrPushwood Exactly this! There's a big difference between visualizing a line and actually understanding how things can / will or have to play out!
Just watch Hikaru's stream to see how well these top level players can calculate lines. Its cool when Hikaru shows out his thought process in arrows. Magnus has claimed that given enough time he could calculate out a 100 moves (I'm not sure where I heard this though).
I played a blindfolded game against myself very quickly, the quality of the play was MUCH WORSE but I technically made a 74 move variation and remembered it well enough to record afterwards.

Especially considering it was my first attempt doing chess blindfolded and a spur of the moment thing with no practice or prep. I will update when I find it
@IPunishDaddy2007 Are you ever going to play any games on Lichess? Like blitz or bullet. You've only played 11 games. Quit going on with your fantasy. Play some real games on Lichess....... unless you are worried you'll lose....

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