
Can the lichess forums beat Stockfish 8 - Day 3

[Credit to the_meme_guy for the idea! This is a ramped up version, with stockfish 8 instead of 6.]


Comment with the most +1 reactions at 2:45 PM CST is the move that will be made.

The goal is to beat Stockfish 8.

Forums play white. Stockfish plays black.

Use of engines is not allowed. Play fair.

One post will be made per day with each move.

I will try to post this every day. This is so I can sort and see what the actual suggestions are.


Day 3 - 2. g3 wins with 8 votes, given by @Luthfi3987.

Stockfish responds with c5.


c3, protect the pawn and prepares soon Bf4 and complete the pyramid of pawns and castle queenside with a ready pawn storm (because we played g3)
Bg2, and if Stockfish captures the pawn on d4, recapture it with the Queen, threating the pawn on d5 and gaining tempo.
If you say 2. g3 than you have also to say 3. Bg2.
I think Bg2 if black takes the pawn when queen takes
black have to defend this d4 pawn by playing e6 or Nf6
make sure to +1 posts with moves you like. There are 3 posts with the same move.
Bg2 seems to be the most popular, but there's almost no votes!

@a4477 said in #8:
> Bg2

Remember to make sure your move isn't already suggested. If it is (which it is in this case), vote for it instead.

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