
Best Mouse

@The_Conjuring_is_Bac said in #1:
> What is the best mouse for chess
I would say the grey ones play the best. They need a lot of cheese for energy, but they will be very fast, squeaking loudly, but they will help you win 100%
you suffer the terrible fait of believing that good equiptment will make you a better gamer
@jesgluckner said in #5:
> you suffer the terrible fait of believing that good equiptment will make you a better gamer

Good equipment makes for better everything... in nearly all walks of life.. Now a good mouse wont help you find better chess moves, but if youre an Ultra player and miliseconds are often the difference between a win and a loss, then a better mouse can do the job to an extent.. and by better I mean better for the individual. Andrew Tang uses a cheap 20 dollar mouse. He actually bought a few of them before they stopped making them. Because thats the equipment that makes him a better gamer, he didnt play as well with different equipment.
@jesgluckner said in #5:
> you suffer the terrible fait of believing that good equiptment will make you a better gamer
Fast clicking mice and keyboards could help a lot with Minecraft PvP. Saying “good equipment doesn’t make you better” is completely false. Ever seen a speedcuber? There’s a reason they don’t use Rubik’s brand and instead spend $20 on a high quality cube.
Edit: dang it, 6 minutes late!
@J_SEDA_conant said in #7:
Ever seen a speedcuber? There’s a reason they don’t use Rubik’s brand and instead spend $20 on a high quality cube.

okay so im a speedcuber (just look at my name) and i use a rubiks brand. lmao if youre wondering, my best was 15 sec and i avg 24 seconds.
Business mouse. Forget a big gaming mouse with lots of buttons. The simpler the mouse the better for your chess.
@RubiksCuber23 said in #8:
> okay so im a speedcuber (just look at my name) and i use a rubiks brand. lmao if youre wondering, my best was 15 sec and i avg 24 seconds.

I am a slow cuber on dayan and moyu. With rubicks I would need about half a minute more. Even an entry level MF3RS beats rubic on the head both with performance and price.

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