
The Power of Fear and How to Use It as Motivation

This had also also happed to me. When i was 8 years old and 400 elo i did not take chess serious, but one day i scrolling through shorts i found THE GOAT gotham chess. I learned the 4 move mate, Opposition and much more. And now i am 1400 elo
Not chess related question, but which war were you talking about?
I could only find the first nagorno-karabakh war
@goodplayerpranav said in #3:
> This had also also happed to me. When i was 8 years old and 400 elo i did not take chess serious, but one day i scrolling through shorts i found THE GOAT gotham chess. I learned the 4 move mate, Opposition and much more. And now i am 1400 elo
bhai gotham chess circus joker baba hai
<Comment deleted by user>
Your point has nothing to do with your story. This whole post adds nothing to the Mandela quote, the rest is just hot air.

"That was THE day and THE moment that I realized if I continued having just fun and never worked hard, I’d end up like that man [poor taxi driver working 20+ hours shifts to feed their family] ."
Still framing the poor as lazy. Which is an ignorant and dangerous take. Not mentioning really insulting to this particular taxi driver.

Go read some sociology. At this point, many people have told you how what you write contradicts scientific facts and basic decency, you have had the opportunity to educate yourself. Yet you didn't.
You are doing harm. And you cann't claim that you haven't been warned.

Gonna repeat it here for the youngest of your readers :
- the world is complex, and there are a lot of factors you cann't control between you and your goals. Try hard to reach your goals, that's noble. But don't forget that there are obstacles bigger than you, me, or any of your idols, and not succeeding doesn't mean that you are weak, lazy, or inadequate.
- dedicating all your resources to one task is not always positive. Excellence at chess might be a shiny goal, but "having just fun" is really important for psychological stability, resilience, and social skills. things that you use 24/7 your whole life.
- using ones fear as motivation can sometimes work. but not always. Just having an emotion is fine. you don't need to transform your emotions into productivity.