
How Much I spent on Chess in 2023?

I think you forgot expenses made for laptop, desktop, electricity, ... as that also has a cost.
"I understood how difficult it is to earn money. This is why I don’t think spending this much amount is worth it, especially on chess."
Earning money from chess has never been my goal. I play because I love the game. I guess this is a luxury many don't have.
I just love the game so I play mostly online. I can't afford spending in the game
While these are high expenses and I find it impressive that you managed to get that money back just with chess, I feel like it's much more feasible to play chess seriously / full-time for people living in countries where the cost of living is not very high, especially because chess doesn't pay much in absolute terms.

Coaching is more affordable in these countries, and the potential prize money from international tournaments can be pretty good concerning the financial needs to make a living. A prize that would pay an entire year's rent in India would not even pay one month in California.

Also, these chess players can have an income via the Internet and can offer prizes that outcompete those of players e.g. in the U.S. or Switzerland...
@Arminius4 said in #6:
> While these are high expenses and I find it impressive that you managed to get that money back just with chess, I feel like it's much more feasible to play chess seriously / full-time for people living in countries where the cost of living is not very high, especially because chess doesn't pay much in absolute terms.
> Coaching is more affordable in these countries, and the potential prize money from international tournaments can be pretty good concerning the financial needs to make a living. A prize that would pay an entire year's rent in India would not even pay one month in California.
> Also, these chess players can have an income via the Internet and can offer prizes that outcompete those of players e.g. in the U.S. or Switzerland...
I agree you on this. FMs and IMs from Asian countries (Including India) charge $15-35 whereas it will be easily $50-100 in the US. That's why titled FMs and IMs in India get so many inquiries from USA and UK (Most of them are Indians staying abroad)

Although earning with prize money is kinda impossible for 2200-2500 players. You cannot live a decent life in India by just playing. GMs above 2500+ can earn good amount but still coaching is far more better in terms of money.

Maybe those who are from First World Countries should try to set up offline coaching.