FM pedrogil Lichess coach picture

FM Pedro Gil

Available to students from 0 to 2100 elo Fide

LocationGuimarães Portugal
LanguagesPortuguês (BR), English (US)
Hourly rate17 euros
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello! I am Pedro Gil, a Fide Master from Portugal on a quest to get the International Master Title. I was u-12, u-14 and u-18 Portuguese champion, and been in top Portuguese top-10 multiple times.
I currently have around 2250 elo Fide, and trying to push to the 2300s, and more.

Playing experience

I have been playing chess since I was ten, and got the Fide Master title in April 2022 andplayed 5 european and world championships, from u-12 to u-18 last year. Have been playing all over europe too, been galician team champion and got to the portuguese 1st division, being the captain of my team.

Teaching experience

I have been teaching people from all levels, from totally begginers to 2000 elo, for the past 3 years.