FM fmsoumya1984odi Lichess coach picture

FM Soumyaranjan Mishra

Chess is a game of knowledge and skill

LocationBhubaneswar India
Languagesहिन्दी, हिंदी
RatingFIDE: 219723072353
Hourly rate15 US Dollars to 20 US Dollars, Rates are negotiable depending upon number of hours, Whatsapp no- 9040256050
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am a FIDE MASTER from India

Playing experience

I am playing Chess for more than 25 years,I have won more than 56 times state level championship in Odisha State, which is now one of the leading Chess state of India , have won many all India Rating tournaments and played International tournaments like Asian junior,World junior (twice),Commonwealth (twice), my highest Fide ELO Rating is 2323 and achieved my FIDE Master Title in the year 2009.

Teaching experience

I have been teaching Chess for last 10 years and many of my students are doing well in National level in India and few have won International medals for India

Best skills

Improving a Student's Tactics, Calculating ability, Evaluation of a position

Teaching methodology

Depending on the standard of a student and keeping in mind his/her strong points and weakness of the game, I make a plan and follow up. I also play the serious practice game and analyze those game deeply and find out the mistakes and how to avoid those in future.

Latest blog posts

The queen sacrifice

Super Smashing Sacrifices

This is one of my most beautiful game in recent past against one of my super talented students.