IM decuatro Lichess coach picture

IM Marcin Krysztofiak

"Xadrez é ginástica da mente. É extremamente benéfico para todas as idades" -- Henrique Mecking

LocationWarsaw Poland
LanguagesEnglish (US), Português (BR)
RatingFIDE: 2392
Hourly rate34 USD, mas ofereço um desconto especial para lusofalantes
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi. I am a 38 y.o. International Master from Poland.

Playing experience

My current rating is 2392, my highest was 2463. When the Covid pandemic broke out, I quit tournament play, though I intend to resume playing in 2025.
My FIDE profile:

Teaching experience

Previously I coached at (Internet Chess Club) for more than 10 years. As of August 2024, they don't offer any coaching anymore. Here you can read some reviews written by my students (or their parents):

Teaching methodology

I begin with analysing your games and then based on this material we work on your weaknesses. Besides that, I give advice on how to study chess on your own and provide study materials.
I'm also available for training games (at a discounted rate) with short analysis.